Important Beta Update

August 9, 2018
Beta Brothers, Parents and Friends of Beta:

Recognizing the significant and appropriate reforms the Greek community is undergoing in light of continued serious incidents – many tragic – over the last several years, we write today to report on Beta’s efforts to improve our Fraternity and ensure the health and safety of our young men, their guests and the volunteers who support them.

This past weekend, Beta’s 179th General Convention was held in Norfolk, Virginia. Attended by some 650 members and guests, the world’s largest naval base served as an important backdrop as our brotherhood considered an extensive and consequential portfolio of legislative proposals. With the theme, “The Courage to Lead,” our young men, alumni and General Fraternity Officers accepted their charges with humility and determination. And, with a spectrum of issues ranging from sexual assault prevention and scholarship accountability to substance-free housing and a Good Samaritan Policy, the deliberations were spirited yet brotherly, thoughtful and informed. Our delegates conducted themselves with dignity, and we remain proud of them for fostering a process that was fair, transparent and respectful of all, no matter the divergent views.

One particular legislative matter, “Proposal 4,” related to adding the Board of Trustees’ substance-free housing policy into Beta’s official Risk Management Policy. Passing with a vote of 91 to 49, the Fraternity is moving swiftly toward implementation and is already working closely with undergraduates and volunteers to ensure a spirit of unity and determination is maintained as we move forward. Beta has led significant reforms in the past, and that profile in history offers appropriate foreshadowing on how Beta can and will succeed in the coming days.

Certainly, change is never easy, but, with two-thirds of our housed chapters already operating under such guidelines, we remain convinced substance-free fraternity housing is the future of the Greek community, and the health, safety and well-being of our men must remain Beta’s number one priority.

Finally, thank you to all who continue to believe in Beta Theta Pi and encourage our brotherhood. Your support is important as we seek “the courage to lead” while also preserving a deep, meaningful, lifelong Beta experience that is enjoyable, fun and full of camaraderie for all. In the event you have questions or concerns about the Fraternity’s substance-free housing policy, please contact Director of the Cornerstone Housing Program John Reineke. We look forward to continually updating you on the Fraternity’s strategic efforts to advance our beloved Fraternity.

Sincerely and in ___kai___,

Wayne Kay, Virginia Tech ’73
General Secretary and Chairman of the Board

Jeff S. Rundle, Kansas State ’03
Executive Director